Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Zuckerman by Bannerman

I've got something to share, Andrew Zuckerman. An American born photographer working had out of New York these days. I was watching some of his videos and and surfing images on his site ( www.andrewzuckerman.com/site.html ) and I thought I would give his portrait lighting a try. Its the same concept as Richard Avedons most famous works, by having subjects left completely alone with themselves but technically new school.
I only had 1.5 hours in studio to get my gear, set the set, tweak, shot, and pack up. I think I got it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh Yeah, I Blog. pt 2

The best part was the animal.
Anywhere you go on the island you are not to far from farm or exotic animals.
You can't walk two steps without a little lizard scurrying out from under foot. On the roads you shouldn't drive to fast because a) the two lane roads are thinner than a single lane in any Canadian town, b) if your not zigging and zagging left or right, your going up or down a steep hill and you never know whats wating for you in the middle of the street. It could be 30 goats, 9 cows, 2 giant iquana's or a horse dropping a steamer on the yellow line.
I think that having all that life around me really helped me clear my mind and I liked playing with all the beautiful creatures.

I'll get the bikini Photos up as soon as Yasmin's not around. Heads up SI.

Oh Yeah, I Blog.

I've been away from the Blog for a long time now.
Sorry about that.
Ive been.... Busy. No really I don't have time to get into it right now, but in the last 24 hours I have had 5 friends say to me "Craig, whats up with the Blog?" or something to that effect so I thought it best to at least toss up some stuff from my amazing trip down to Saint Maarten with Yasmin. I do love the Caribbean so much. We went down there for 2 weeks, and we chilled out and explored every part of the island and the waters around it. I felt very fortunate to have had the chance to get down there and escape the cold hard Canadian winter.
Here's a taste.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 11, Joker

Its been Far to long between posts so I had better share something.
The Super Hero Portfolio keeps raging on my friends. I had to put it on the back burner for a few weeks with finishing up another semester of school. Like everything else in life, it tends to build up pressure towards the end.
I did manage to squeeze in one last Super Shoot, with the help of my good friend Paul Broomfield who was an amazing Joker.
We first met at the end of summer and he was sporting a monster beard but I knew right away that he was ma man for the Joker. Later when I approached him with my ideas he jumper on right away with excitement and energy to help push this project.
These images are not going to be in the final portfolio, You'll just have to wait until its completely finished to have your face blown off with awesomeness, but I did want to show what we came up with.
I'm very pleased with the costume I put together and Paul tweaked with his perfect Corn Blue tie and shoes he found on the street on the way to the shoot. I know sounds gross, but its all in the details, and my Joker would wear shoes found under a tree.
I did the Make Up after many YouTube tutorials and tests on myself. I used an FX solution to make the scars, which are 3D and look sic. The design of the Make up was a combination of different joker from the past.
Next on the list, Wolverine, Penguin, Doc Oc, WonderWomen, Flash, Storm and of course SuperMan.
I gotta get back to work now.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nov 18th, Shoot the Moon

Tricks and tips. I haven't done many of these so I thought, as I was shooting this that maybe it would make a good little piece to post.
Okay, so we have all seen those amazing images of the moon, big bright and details, but how are they shot. If you go out side on a clear night and point your camera up into the sky the chances of getting anything better than a shaky white streak are slim. But, if you take a few things into account you can increase your odds of getting a better image.

1. Time of day. I shot this out my back door at 4:30 PM not the middle of the night.
2. Shutter Speed. If your want those details to be sharp the exposure needs to be fast. Think about it. Your standing on a big ball that is spinning and moving, and you are trying to shoot another moving ball that is spinning too. Right?. Because of this you don't need a tripod if everything else is taking into account.
3. Aperture. Its getting dark so you need as much light to enter your camera as possible and your available light is really really far.
4. Overall exposure. You already know what you need so, now its Ratio Times.
5. ISO the faster/higher you go the more digital noise happens in your file. No one wants that.

So I took all these requirements and set them into my camera. I started with an exposure of 1/60th for my shutter speed (That's as slow as it gets hand held), and my F-Stop at 8.0. just to start. It was a good first step. I got the moon and the sky still had blue in it, but there was no details in my highlights (Face of the Moon). Okay more math. I moved my F-Stop down to 5.6 (that's a full stop open) so I changed my Shutter speed faster to 1/250th to make the same exposure and take the same image. That doesn't mean I changed anything, the RATIO is the same so you'll get the same image. You Following?
To make changes, I was now only left with my Shutter Speed to change, because F-5.6 is as wide as my G11 will open, zoomed in as far as it will go. That's okay Shutter speed is the one thing I want to change. I want it as fast as I can with out loosing highlights. So I pushed it up faster and faster. The exposure's were getting darker and, the shadow detail was getting better. I ended up with an exposure of 1/450th @ F-5.6 at 200ISO.

So I didn't break any Photography rules for a change. I followed basic laws of light and exposure, I just pushed my ratio to make the small amount of light that was in the atmosphere (Blue sky) to go black and let me look at the Man in the Moon properly. There is no Photoshop here either, this is the RAW image.

This is the same rule that make dark blue sky's with the sun still in the frame or the silhouette's of the fire fighter's I posted earlier in the month.
If your out shooting, get OFF of manual and start changing up your exposures, you never know what you might end up with.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 15 Super Views

I am always on the look out for anything that can help my portfolio. I need some shots that look across the core of Montreal so I can work some magic on some more Hero's I have lined up.
Here's tonight's scouting report. Top of the Montreal General Hospital Parking garage.

Yes it is a Panoramic, 10 Frames, shot at 4 sec @ F7.1 ISO 200, with an 80mm

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nov 9th, Learning from tests

Yesterday I tried out some ideas and today I made them better. I learned great deal of information from the last test. Clearly there is room for improvements, there always is. But taking steps along the way and learning more about your final goal is the rewarding part.
I stood in traffic for better lights, and squatted dangerously low for a better angle. I slid it behind yesterdays test file and turned things around a little, I like that to.
Touched an idea in Photoshop just to see what would happen.

Steps along the way. I'm enjoying the walk very much.
Back to work there's more TESTs to be done.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov 8th, Testing, Testing

Found some time to start designing my lighting for the next Portfolio Hero. Those crazy comic book ideas are flowing out of me. I have been meeting people that want to help and get in. Its devouring me like Spiderman's Black suit, I love it. Still working on getting ALL the things I need..
I am in need of a Joker. If anyone knows a crazy person. The scene is shot, Costume is more than 1/2 way ready and un-freaking-believable. Thanks to a basement sale at a costume house in Old Port, I spent 2 hours in a creepy basement picking through old cloths yuck. Next Make Up Test. those will be fun. Staying Positive things are working, even a deal on capes.
Got a meeting with Storm from the X-Men later this week to see what we can do for each other.
I love this Portfolio. It will be part of my schools final portfolio but I can already see that I wont be stopping when school ends, this is a corner I am turning.

2 guesses who's coming by the studio soon.
This would be the something like a first digital sketch. Its easier to work alone at this point I know what I'm looking for so I stand in. Makes for funny images.
I've pulled out many research images from goggle for the character and the background. Drawn, worked out a few angles, lighting diagrams blah blah. So tonight I headed into school and hurried to grab an hour alone in the studio. Popped some stands, Threw down some lights and played. Saw some stuff working and redrew how the lights ended up, measurements angles, light direction, type, exposures for each, camera distance blah blah blah.
I like the lens choose, I think the lights are getting there. The background will match better with both lanes of traffic full and moving in both directions, with me in the middle of the street. Last Tue Thomas and I shot the new ad for Safety Canada. Nothing safe about this shot.
Must reshoot BackGround just before it gets dark.
Pieces of the puzzles.

Next test, testing 1 2 3, testing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nov 6, FootBall

Every weekend in Parc Jeanne Mance several city wide football leagues of all ages get together to do battle on the Grid Iron. The youngest kids are smaller than there equipment and look like cute little bumper cars running into each other, but the older boys can play. Maybe its just me getting
old but kids these days are BIG. I stopped in to watch a quarter of a game and was impressed at the level of skill these young warriors were showcasing. The parents that filled the stands were not as impressive. Loud, foul mouthed parents yelling at the kids in an assortment of languages. For 20 minutes they were casting verbal tomato's at the blind reffs.
It was still fun.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 2nd, FIRE

More roof top craziness, at the end of another day of assisting I popped my head out the window and to see what was shaking out over the city and to the north, FIRE.
So, we rapper and I split to go check out the action.
I thought it was an old abandoned warehouse that is a shooters paradise, fortunately it was not. Unfortunately it was the apartments of a few now displaced people. Bummer.