Alright, first things first. Ill let the world know why I write the way I do. Regarding the "Unique" style I have had in my last entries, I feel I should maybe explain a thing or two.
My writing is different because I have no idea what I'm doing. I have had no training in writing on any level. Yes I can spell, poorly at best, but that's what spell check is for right. Its the grammar that I have a hard time with, I write like I talk, and I talk differently then most do. I have always been able to communicate with anyone about anything and I feel that's a good thing. Plus I have also been told that I speak in what my friends call Banner-ism's. I refer to people as Kat's, things as stuff, strangers as Turkeys and Montreal has taught me to use curse words as punctuations, (you should hear how the French speak). I sometimes think that maybe I should have been a Black pimp living in Chicago in the mid 60s.
I am also aware that I use a lot of syntax's to describe things. Its like using something or a situation that is completely removed from the topic of conversation at hand to draw a parallel to the conversation. Example- "man, I have had a crazy week. Ive been all over the place, like Indiana Jones ripping through the underground roller coaster in Temple of Doom." different things but the parallel is that the week has been full of ups and down.
Another huge factor to my writing is that I easily get off topic and get on some other unrelated tangent. See last paragraph for example. So you'll have to keep on going and Ill get back full circle at some point. All of this is because I have no idea what I'm doing, yet I enjoy it. I recommend that if you are joining me here that you read along as if your were being spoken to. Read it fast and try not to take any of it to seriously, like we were having a very casual conversation. I think that's the best way to describe my style, I still don't know what I'm talking about.
Alright, Photographic work space.
I am the type of person that needs organized chaos. My office may look like a mess but I know where every book, cable, pen, and scrap of paper are. That's kind of how I roll. My work space is like that but I can't stand it when the rest of my environment is like that. Yasmin has this knack for dropping things as she goes, she's also the type that likes to try and do 16 things at once. We are working on that, but she gets way more done in a day than I do, so who's right and who's wrong. I make a list and start plowing through it one at a time cleaning as I go. I also get lost in the clouds a lot, that's where all my sketch/note books come in handy.
Being an artist first, I have a stack of old books that are full of ideas. There is always one in my back pocket, car, or bag. I need them because my imagination is a visual one. I see finished ideas and have to deconstruct them if I want to see them come to life. The small books I have on me at all times are for those idea and the first step of taking them apart. Once I feel I have a good idea on how to build an Image I will rewrite them with lighting ideas into my medium sized book that stays safely at home. That's where all the details of what will be needed and my first Lighting diagrams go. If all goes well during a shoot I will take a few quick pictures of my lighting set ups and do a detailed diagram in my Big Book of Knowledge and keep it with the final finished image and a log of how my Post Production went.
Ill do some entries in the future regarding the details of how to put together an idea you have and bring it to life and all the little steps that may be needed to get'er done
As for future content that I will be showing in the Blog, I would like to show you parts of my life that I enjoy, things that I do on a daily bases and new and exciting things that come up. I'll do some tech talk about gear and whats new and exciting for all the geeks and would be buyers out there and of course, how to light things, How I light things. Ill break down shoots that I do and the photoshop that is required in today's computer driven world. I may do some dirty street photos using just my Iphone and upload from it. That seems like something that is way out of my normal style so I feel I should give it try. I usually jump right into things without thinking about it. Like skiing in Vermont last winter, result, concussion and Smashed goggles, or Surfing in Maine 2 weeks ago over big ass rocks that I noticed at the last moment, no worries I didn't hit anything, for a change. I don't see any head trauma in Iphone photography. (ahh another tangent, see, try to enjoy them)
That's enough writing for one day, my fingers hurt and I miss my pen so I'm going to split now. I've been writing in a bitchin little cafe around the block from my apartment and my coffee is cold. I can't stand cold coffee, its as gross as warm lettuce. Hey there's a good idea, I'll be sure to showcase some of the amazing people and places that my city and neighbourhood have to offer. I am glad that I live in this part of Montreal called Mile End. Its full of weird-o's and artist just like me.
Yes I AM reading Harry Potter and you know what? Its Awesome. Its so awesome I got through the first 3 books in 2 weeks. Don't judge,