What up Thursday!!!
Finally Studio class is back in action. Out from behind those gum covered desks and into the Studio to get to work of some assignments. I love the studio, Banana's for it. I dig the total control over your Space, Light, Quality, Subject I've been told is a God complex. There's not to many places where I am the Boss and I naturally flow with the equipment and the over all vibe. Last night on the other had was a disaster. Not a total write off, but a pain in the ass sort of night. I pulled a few boneheaded moves.
One, I went in all full of piss and vinegar ready to take on everything with the idea that everything will just fall into place and take care of it's self. Wrong.
Secondly, I didn't pay close enough attention to what the assignment was calling for. Fail, pay attention.
In a nut shell, Ass 1 this term is a snore. On the surface anyways. Its title is the Cocktail, and we need a Drink, Ice, and some Garnish that's it. I of course took the title an ran with it. I had started to work on this funky back ground design and pulled out my favorite bottle of scotch a nice low ball with a serving of two fingers in it, double rim lights with a spot on the label, the whole sha-bang. Yeah not necessary at all. It was like a pin popping my thought bubble. Shit back to the drawing board. The idea is not to go crazy and fill the image with a bunch of distractions. Its to break it down to as little as possible and focus in on the details. Ohhh got'ca.
So what did I learn?
1, Slow down hotshot. I get worked up and excited and start to spin around in circles and waste time and energy. Gotta be like a kick ass drummer. Make as much noise as possible with the least amount of movement and energy spent.
2, Listen up, listen to everything and not run off half cocked with some over the top idea's.
Ill be sure to remember both of those cause my little book of ideas is quickly filling up with some BIG ideas. Less is more less is more.

Here's a quickie, nothing fancy. I wont be using for my assignment, its just a tester. I have some new thoughts in mind. Tomorrows a new day.
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