Its been Far to long between posts so I had better share something.
This is how I spent my Birthday Night, in Photoshop class. What a drag.
So I just completed my 30th year here and have started my 31st year. Its crazy to think back to when I was a young pup running around thinking I was invincible and recall my mindset I had way back when. Oddly enough not a great deal has changed, accept that my 31 doesn’t seem sooo old, now, and my hairline. Very much the opposite really, I look at younger people and think there’s no way I was like that. Yeap I sure was.
You ever ask yourself “if I could go back in time, what would I have to say to my younger me?” I have, First off I would tell me to pull up my God Damn pants, cause you look stupid kid. Okay I do still wear them a little low, but at least my ass is put away (sometimes). I would also have to tell mini me, to follow your heart, But really do it. As cheesy as it sounds and we have all said it to someone else a million times, there is so much truth in it. I could be 10 years ahead of the game if I just stuck to guns and had unwavering faith in my unique abilities and myself. Not a cocky pride sort of mask to get me by. The kind that has had me put my head down and push through shitty jobs that are a waste of time. But that’s the road I have traveled and I am glad that I done what I have done. Of course there have been a few regrets, happily I am glad to say a very small number of them. I would tell a younger me to always always keep communications with your loved ones. No matter how much silly shit pops up during the long life span of any relationship. Now I’m talking about all the different types of relationships, Family, Friends, Lovers, and Professional, all of it. Cause when its good it’s oh so good, but when it’s gone it’s gone. And Brother some things are hard to get back, even just a little of what you had is a shit tone harder to rebuild. There’s some people out there that I really truly miss, and others that I am afraid to think about how much I will miss them once they are gone. Don’t be some glum is another thing I would tell myself. I am really good at kicking the crap out of myself over the little things. My “If its your Birthday” Horoscope tells me that I should stop and think about why I can handle the big crazy things in life, no problem, but the little shit keeps me up at night. I will take a look at that and try not to stress about them.
I don’t know could’ a would’ a should’ a right. I am in a wonderful place right now and have nothing to complain about. I have seen some amazing things in this brief life of mine and shared them with beautiful people. Currently I am sharing the most gorgeous apartment I have ever lived in with the most superb women I have ever known. Best part she’s as bonkers about me as I am for her, that’s a great deal. I have my health and I’m getting stronger. School has grown my brain 4 times the size and filled me with confidence, the good kind. My family is well, what more could a man ask for. Maybe a Canon 5d Mark II, but I’m working on that.
Many thanks to everyone who sent birthday wish’s, and thanks to Facebook for the reminder. I wasn’t going to.
Thanks again for the Bday sweets Terri. I think this would make a great breakfast.