Canada Wins the first game in the 2010 hockey tournament. It through the Vancouver into a frenzy. The streets were a sea of red and white. High Fives to and from everyone. On every corner a roar of "Go Canada Go, Go Canada Go". each chant would be followed by Oh Canada.
I can't imagine whats heights this hockey fever will hit as the tourny continues.
Where ever you are in this beautiful country of ours, Please, Please, Please get together with some of your friends. Put on you Red Maple Leafs and go enjoy this game in as big a crowd as you can find. The more the merrier.
You never know when or where a street hockey game may break out and you'll need players.
I can't imagine whats heights this hockey fever will hit as the tourny continues.
Where ever you are in this beautiful country of ours, Please, Please, Please get together with some of your friends. Put on you Red Maple Leafs and go enjoy this game in as big a crowd as you can find. The more the merrier.
You never know when or where a street hockey game may break out and you'll need players.
amazing pics craig, impromptu street hockey! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 so great!