Shit is going to hit the fan here on February 12 at 3pm. The Olympic Resistance Network has rallied an major legal protest for the opening day of the Games. The ORN called a press conference in Pigion Park and invited all the national media that is in town to come listen in on what was about to go down, and why. This thing is going to make a lot of noise because a lot of people are stinking mad about the Olympics moving into the Vancouver area. With the relocation of mentally ill people from the East Side communities. An almost 7 billion $ debit and the destruction of may low rent apartment building to make room for temporary Olympic needs, the people are going to speak. Hey will speak loudly and clearly so the whole world can hear.
Info at:
I am going to try and make this but I have a shift that day until 3pm, on a mountain. So I may miss some of it. Plus Ill need to change. There’s no way I would show up to this with a stitch of my VANOC uniform on. Duhhh

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