Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some B.S.

I don't really want to post this but its important to show both sides of the coin. Personaly I think its a bunch of Bull. The biggest problem has been the weather, but really what can you do about that. Its not like God has a Gmail account and his card hanging on a cafe wall waiting around for emails, right. Okay some shity shit has happened like the Opening Blunder and a few other things.
I'm not going to get to deep into because I'm having a kick ass time out here and like everything else in life I choose to look at the brighter side.

Here's the not so bright side.

Oh and for the record its the Brits that are talking all the smack and pushing it around because their next for the Summer Games. Good Luck with that.

1 comment:

  1. Brits have bad teeth...but you don't see the rest of the world complaining that they are uglying up the planet.
